Simple Habits That Will Make You Happier

Hi Loves!

Hope your week is off to an excellent start. Today I wanted to keep things light and positive. I have mentioned in a prior blog post that I am finding it more fulfilling sharing with you all some of the positive route I take in my life that are easily adaptable and will lead to a better quality of life. I am by no means a “Life Guru” nor do I have all of my shit together. I am merely choosing to use my platform to spread positive vibes in every way I can. Naturally, that is who I am, I am a positive person and I think it is important that we all spread as much of it as we can. Although a major disclaimer- I am positive but I not a push over or butt-kisser. I find that people tend to think that positive people are push overs but, not this one. I do have a sassy side and my personality is strong in who I am. I like to call it, I AM CORED!

So on with it. Here are 5 simple habits that I find make me happier and I know it can do the same for you too.

1. Smile, Smile, Smile- I greet almost everyone with a smile. I find that it is the unspoken interaction that breaks a friendly ice and provide comfort and care in an unspoken way. I do not have to know you to care about you nor do I have to know you to wish you well. I offer that through my smile to strangers and connect souls as we exchange that. Smiling will make you feel happier internally, you might not even realize it but try it continuously for a week and see how much better you feel. 

2. Hug tightly- hugging is scientifically been proven to increase mood. If this isn’t enough to get you hugging people more, then I don’t know what will. Side-bar, I am a germophobe so I do not always warm up to hugging everyone, especially if they smell or look dirty. I am just being HONEST here guys. However, I do find that breaking my comfort zone and hugging someone I wouldn’t normally hug, makes me proud and happier within. 

3. Offer up or giveaway something you didn’t intend on doing/giving- You can do this once every month if the item or action is of great value. I tend to hold on to things or items especially if they are expensive. I find that when I decide to gift or bless someone else with something or spending extra bucks, I feel immensely happy. 

4. Eat good for a week- Yes, I said it. Treat yourself to a balanced week of eating. Maybe try a plant based diet for a week or vegetarian or simply nourishing you body with good stuff. You’ll see how much more energy you have and how much happier you will feel, 

5. Exercise- Ok, this sounds so cliche and it probably is but hear me out. I am your typical start a work out life then pause then re-enter type of gal. However, I have found that overtime when I am on track and working out regularly I feel happier. I am proud to say I am currently on track with my work out. I do group training with a trainer 3 times per week for an hour and do I feel great and happier? I sure do. 

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Loves, I hope you found these tips useful and if you have any you want to share, drop them in the comments below. I’d love to know and try them out too. 


