Happy Mother’s Day from Style Weekender

With Mother’s Day this weekend, I wanted to touch a little bit on motherhood. It is my pride and joy to be a mom, and I’m so thankful for the way my life has changed since having a daughter. I am proud of my role in her life, and I’m thankful for the way I’ve learned what love is truly by watching my daughter grow and learn. My heart swells every time she experiences something new or gets excited. There is nothing better than her little hand grasping mine and I’m thankful it’s her hand I get to hold for many more years to come. Truly, motherhood is the greatest journey I’ve been on.

This Mother’s Day, I want to say thank you to all the women who played roles as mom, grandma, and more that helped raise me and shape me. Thank you to all the moms out there working the hardest, worrying the most, and making every day a great one for your children. I see you and I applaud you! This job is hard – and you are absolutely amazing at it! Thank you to moms around the world for holding their children’s hearts and hands throughout life, wanting only the best for them.

Happy Mother’s Day to all of you moms, moms-to-be, mom-figures, and those who hope to become moms one day.