5 Things You Can Do To Help Cure Winter Blues

Winter is in full swing! This winter, beat the winter blues with my coping tips to add some spring to your step! I’m sharing 5 easy tips below! Don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel so you never miss my weekly doses of encouragement and good feels!

  1. Candles! Oh my gosh, I cannot express how much I love a good candle. They can change your mood, set a new tone in your house, and reset your mindset on sad days. I encourage you to find your favorite candle and keep it on repeat this winter!
  2. A Playlist: Your playlist can be a music playlist or a movie playlist. For me, I have a few select songs that will totally change my mood. I have favorite finds for cooking, relaxing, and working. Take some time to think about songs that make you feel really great, and have that handy for all the cold days that get you down!

3. Fresh Flowers. Bringing good feels into your space is so easy with a new bouquet. Just like scents, flowers can evoke emotions. It’s a sense of fresh life, and I encourage you to bring that vibrant bouquet home with you next time you pass them at the store. I also love lavender and eucalyptus plants for a fresh scent!

4. Warm Beverages. We all have those favorite places: Starbucks, Petes – you name it. Most popular drinks can be found online, and you can grab the ingredients from your local grocery store. For me, it’s a London Fog. I love to add my own twist to it when making it at home. You’ll save money and you’ll feel good about making yourself a warm treat!

5. Cozy Clothing: Pick clothing that makes YOU feel good. Everyone has different colors or styles that they vibe with. For me, I love neutral vibes that are super soft that have pops of warm color (Like my dress – linked below). A great outfit can totally change your day! Sometimes a pop of color will make you feel extra confident and warm and fuzzy inside. When you feel your best, you can produce your best. In work, in relationships – all of it!

It’s important to find ways to beat the winter blues – I hope these tips helped! If you loved these tips, don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube channel or comment below on some of the ways you beat the winter blues!